Monday, September 28, 2009

The Ties That Bind

This episode felt a little disjointed, and ultimately ran a little slow for me. I like Lee in the Quorum. I am liking Roslin less and less as the series goes on.

I really don't like Tory. I don't like where her character is going, and I'm not sure I understand her. She does things that are so... bizarre. This episode is primarily a Callie story. Once again, Callie feels neglected by Tyrol and believes he's having an affair. We get the addition of her on antidepressants. Her spying on the Cylon meeting was interesting. Note that weapons locker 1701D references the Enterprise from Next Generation. And when she learns that they are Cylons... she decides to kill herself and her baby? REALLY? She wouldn't tell Adama? Her first thought is suicide? I don't like it. This episode uses a "hazy lens" technique for Callie's drugged perception. This is the first time we've seen such a thing used on the show. It's miles away from the verite style they usually go for.

Kara and Anders fighting; there's nothing new there. And she says something to the effect of "this is different; I just want to frak." Um.... Kara's ALWAYS just wanted to frak. That's one of my big problems with her, and why their marriage is nonexistent.

I hate that Callie dies. It's ridiculous. Stupid Tory. Why am I still watching this? All the good people are crazy or Cylons or dead! I'm also starting to think it is MUCH too easy for people to gain access to airlock controls. They kill people this way far too frequently.

Not a fantastic episode. It feels slow in places, and deserves no love for killing Callie and leaving Nicky motherless.

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