Friday, September 11, 2009

Crossroads -- Resistance webisodes

This post covers the "webisodes" that are set between seasons 2 and 3. On the DVD, they are called The Resistance, but the actual listed title is "Crossroads". 

Callie had her baby! And it must have been remarkably soon after we last saw her, since New Caprica's only been occupied for a week. 

Already there is a resistance movement against the Cylons. Much of these ten webisodes is about the attempt to recruit Duck into the group. Duck kind of reminds me of my uncle. 

Tigh says without new recruites the resistance will "die in its crib". This is a line obviously meant to resonate, as we've just seen Callie's baby, and learn that Duck and his wife are hoping for one.

I don't like that the Cylons are called "infidels" for entering the temple. If the temple is so holy, why are they keeping weapons in it? I might also ask, why are Centurions allowed to shoot unarmed people? If none of the New Capricans are allowed weapons, how is that fair? Does the new police force get to carry weapons?

The Cylon occupation reminds me of the Cardassian occupation of Deep Space Nine in the sixth season. Is Ron repeating himself here? It's not exactly the same of course, but elements are similar.

Of course, Duck decides to join the resistance only after his wife his killed. What makes him stand out is that he's decided to infiltrate the New Caprica Police as a double agent. This is a good idea. What will become of him? What will become of Jammer? Will this inform the coming season, or be mostly background stuff?

I noticed that people began smoking cigarettes in season two. Watching them smoke again here, I wonder if there is a tobacconist in the fleet. Are they just smoking through their entire store of cigarettes until they run out, or are they making more? 

The webisodes were a little pedestrian in places, but give the world of New Caprica a little more life than we got so far. I wonder what made them decide to do these webisodes. Did they just realize that they had too many ideas floating around? Maybe this is a better outlet for the writers then, instead of scripting long shows that have to be cut. I'm not much of a fan of webisodes in general, but these weren't bad.

On another note, I've been thinking about the nickname toasters. I remembered on TNG once when Data was on trial and the JAG used the line "Data is a toaster." Now I wonder if it was an unintentional connection. I forget, did they use the word on the old series?

Favorite line: "This is war. War is messy, people die. Good people. Nice people."

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