Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Son Also Rises

I watched this last night. It was late, and I was tired, so I don't have a lot to say about it. I like Mark Sheppard. I know I've seen him in something else, but can't remember what. His face is haunting me with it though.

I'm confused about Lee here. I can't remember what Roslin wanted him for in the first place. Did she want him to represent Baltar? If so, why does he have outside council? Or did she want him to represent the Colonies? If so, why is he assigned to security here? Wouldn't that be a gross conflict of interest? In fact, the conflicts run rampant in this episode what with Adama being a judge. At least he's one of five. (is there any significance to the parallel of five judges and five final Cylons?)

Some of this episode goes on for stretches and I was bored. Baltar's lawyer is a kleptomaniac? So what? Did we really even need the bombs in this episode? It felt a bit like "Colonial Day" with the assassination plot that went nowhere. This came off a bit better, but similar nonetheless. 

It was good to see Caprica Six again. Seeing her here made me question why we haven't seen her at all for so long. She's a captive of interest. You'd think they'd do more than throw her in a cell and forget her. They are giving Baltar and his silly book far more attention. She's a fracking Cylon! She has information! This was a missed opportunity.

Glad the trial is gearing up though, and I hope it's a good one.


  1. Mark Sheppard has been in alot of TV shows. He's had recurring roles in Firefly, 24, Medium, The Middleman,Dollhouse and Leverage as well as single episodes in several other shows. http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0791968/

  2. I must have seen him on 24, because I did watch the 5th season, though I don't remember it well.

    After looking back at his credits, I realize I remember him most for being in that one episode of X-Files.
