Wednesday, September 9, 2009


They killed Billy!! What a bummer!

The opening scene with Billy proposing and D rejecting him... poor Billy! I know that the show is "dark" but honestly isn't anyone allowed to be happy?

Dana Delaney's character is upset because her husband was blown out to space. Okay. Now she's doing everything she can to get the Cylon, resorting to gun violence. Is it fair to call her a desperate housewife? (I couldn't resist.)

When she talks about how the Cylons infiltrated the defense systems right under humanity's nose, and that's how they were able to attack, there are shades of 9/11. The discussions turned from "terrorists attacked us" to "how could you let them train on our very soil?" There is a similar accusation made here. It is partially humanity's fault (Baltar's really) that Cylons destroyed them. Now they can't be trusted. We can't let them infiltrate again.

Given the above situation, it's interesting that the humans are the ones referred to as "terrorists" (and rightly so).

Starbuck shot Apollo? Sheesh. This episode also begins feeling like a different show when it descends into the "everyone points guns at everyone" stuff, and then they start shooting. It's all a bit John Woo, isn't it? However, unlike "Black Market" there's still a framework of BSG that it mostly works, at least better than that one did. There is still something about those scenes though that feel like a different show. Also, when Lee gets shot, maybe it's just the slow motion, but that is the gooiest squib I've ever seen. It looks less like blood and more like corn syrup (shh!).

As soon as Adama said he was bringing her the dead Sharon I put the pieces together. Even if there's not much information disseminated to the fleet, surely they know this is a second Sharon, right? I can't believe she fell for that! Even right up to wheeling the body in, she fell for it! At least her brother-in-law was smarter than her.

And then it's Billy's death. Sure he dies a hero (kinda), but it's still annoying. And it's annoying because Lee was shot first and he survives. It's annoying because Lee only recently was clinically dead and is still here. This proves that main characters just don't die. I find it especially true on this show. Adama was shot in the chest (actually the gut, but whatever) TWICE and he's alive. Helo was on radiated Caprica for months, but he's alive. Starbuck crashed on a planet and was wounded, but lives. Then she was kidnapped and taken to a breeding farm, but she's still here. Lee was lost in space, but is still here. Roslin was on her deathbed until her cancer was magically cured. Now everyone who gets shot dies except Lee, and Billy is dead. I guess you could argue that Boomer really died, but since she probably downloaded, and since there's another Sharon, I don't count it.

"Sacrifice" is a decent episode. The Billy/Dualla/Apollo thing is played well for awhile, though I wish Billy had more of a happy death. At least some closure with D. The discussion of what to do with Sharon continues. Also, Baltar has been notoriously absent the past two episodes. Clearly the discussions of Cylon collusion point straight to him. In fact, when the episode began, I thought we were being teased and that the Cylon in question would be Six (or prisoner-Six), not Sharon. 

side note: I know that Ron refers to prisoner-Six as Gina. However, since this name has not yet been heard on the show, I will continue to call her prisoner-Six until the name is established.

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