Friday, August 28, 2009

Kobol's Last Gleaming parts 1 & 2

What the frack is going on in the teaser? Sparring I get. But Boomer suicidal with a gun in her mouth? She hasn't done anything remotely Cylon-like in some time, and last we heard she had been told scientifically she was human (we know it's a lie, but does she?). So her sudden suicidal tendencies make me feel I'm missing something. And what is with Gaius and Kara?? When did that happen? You can't just show them swapping fluid and not explain it! That's a shocker that needs set-up! Did she realize when she caught him dry-humping his desk that she secretly wanted him? Is he just drawn to blondes? Seriously, what preceded that hook up? Oh, and didn't the guy look nothing like Baltar until the reveal? Wasn't his hair shorter?

Baltar walks in on Boomer about to kill herself, and has a little chat with her. He seems to want her to go through with it on the one hand, but couches it because I'm sure he doesn't want that responsibility or blame laid on him. I don't think he wants to hurt her exactly, or he'd have told her straight away she was a Cylon, right? Anyway, he tells her to "follow her heart". But the heart is deceitful above all things! The greatest evil a man can do is what only he believes to be good. And what happens? She shoots herself in the face! So I suppose one could argue the show is saying that "follow your heart" stuff is not a good idea. That's refreshing, I guess. Oh, kudos for following through with the GSW to the face. 

The second episode of Galactica centered on a trip to Kobol (now, in my post on the subject, I spelt it "Kobul", because I could have sworn that's how I saw it on the computer terminal. Am I wrong?). So this is a nice follow-up of that idea. Of course, in that case Kobol turned out to just be an Egypt clone. Here, there are no Egyptian motifs. Instead, things tend to be more Greco-Roman, though not exclusively. Yet in both cases there is supposed information about Earth's whereabouts that I'm not sure could logically be gleaned unless those of the 13th Colony returned to Kobol, or the Lord of Kobol have some kind of prescience.

The priestess says that the arrow of Apollo is needed, and when taken to such and such a place on Kobol will guide the Colonists to Earth. So why is that arrow on Caprica? What would possess the Colonists to take it there? Wouldn't it be essential to leave it on Kobol? The only reason I can think of is if the separation was to prevent someone from finding Earth. To me, it really just seems like an excuse to send Starbuck to Caprica, and thus unite the main storyline with the Helo stuff.

The arrow is contained in the Delphi museum. Could we say then, since this arrow will give them direction to Earth, that they seek the oracle at Delphi?

Wait, Sharon is pregnant?? Is that even possible? I ask again about the nature of the Cylons. Are they machines or not? No matter how organic, I'm not convinced you can impregnate a machine. And this seems to be the whole point of everything. I find that exceedingly lame. Perhaps that warrants a separate post. Let me just say for now, that after 52 days or so with Helo on Caprica, I'm underwhelmed.

I like that the biological element carries through to the interior of the base ship. And what do you know, Boomer meets a number of her Cylon sisters. The guy in me has to ask was Grace Park actually naked shooting those scenes, or was there, as I suspect, some sort of body stocking or make-up apparatus to hide the naughty bits?

So Kara has the arrow. Check. She's met up with Helo. Check. Boomer is exposed as a Cylon. Check. ...How will Kara get back to the fleet with Helo? Is there room for both in the Raider? I doubt it. Will Helo just stay on Cylon-occupied Caprica? Surely not; I doubt he has enough anti-radiation meds. ...wait, did he even have enough for the fifty days?

And the cliff-hanger of the year... Adama has been shot! Certainly he won't die. But how will they save him? What will happen to Boomer now that she's an assassin? And might I point out that none of this would have happened if Baltar had just told someone weeks ago!!

Overall, I was somewhat disappointed by this finale. There were too many threads, and it seemed like stuff didn't all go some place. The excursion to Caprica seems like just a quick means to an end to resolve the Helo story. We don't really learn anything more about Earth. After some episodes that were really stand-out, the finale felt a bit by-the-numbers to me. 

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