Thursday, August 20, 2009

Experiment in Terra

I'm really liking that the series is getting more and more serialized. It used to be every episode began with flying Vipers. Now each one starts with Adama's dictaphone.

At least we get back to the Terra story again. I've spoken about some of the silliness I find in the Holy Kryptonite spaceship and all, but here it recurs. Apollo is now sent on a mission. Why can't one of the angel beings do it? No idea. The concept is so reminiscent of Quantum Leap it's scary. I would not at all be surprised if this episode was integral in Bellisario's creation of that series. A man is sent into the appearance of someone else in order to perform some mission by otherworldly forces. He is guided by an invisible being that only he can see. That's Quantum Leap!

John explains on the ship that he cannot be seen outside the confines of the ship because he has no body off the ship and that's why they need Apollo. Okay. But then John appears to Apollo on Earth! There's no good explanation for this. I know he can't be seen by everyone else, but it still seems contradictory. It has something to do with some "white aura" or something around Apollo, but I don't buy that. If they want John to have no body off the ship, then he should have NO BODY off the ship! They could have had him just talk to Apollo in voice-over like Ben Kenobi. Couldn't he just put this "white aura" around some Terran and then be seen? Or perhaps that's what they do, and this is Larson's sci-fi way of explaining angelic visitation? ...though again, why do they need Apollo then?

Hey! That's John deLancie!! Yet another great Trek actor makes an appearance. I've always liked him, even that one Touched By an Angel he was in wasn't too bad. I'm enjoying him on AMC's Breaking Bad right now.

John says that he's not allowed to interfere. ...Isn't everything he's doing interference? "I can't interfere... he's over there Starbuck, go get him!"

The President's "signed treaty" is an obvious allusion to Winston Churchill and all the "peace in our time" stuff. He even waves it in the air the same way. 

I was very disappointed to learn this wasn't Earth. I had a lingering feeling as it went on that it wouldn't be, but it's a bummer. That means "Greetings From Earth" was no such thing, and it actually brings up more questions. Who are these people then? When was this world founded? They have different terminology from the other Colonists. Why was this world called Terra? Did the founders of Earth just drop these guys off on the way? We know that if indeed the founders of Earth were behind the Egyptians and Mayans then they'd have reached Earth long ago, somehow abandoning their interstellar spacecraft. Did they reach Earth and make a drop off, then circle back and finally settle on Terra? And if THAT's the case, wouldn't Terra really be where the fleet wants to end up? Where did Terra come from??? And what about that "silent one" mentioned way back in "The Long Patrol" who clearly knew about Earth and its location. Was he from Terra? He was in a ship. This is very frustrating. It seems the writers were leaving the real Earth as a question looming for next season, but as that season never happened this is all missed opportunity.

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