Thursday, August 27, 2009

Flesh and Bone

I recall an earlier Galactica which reminded me of Silence of the Lambs. This one does as well, what with the sort of interrogation moments. The Cylon plays mind games like Hannibal Lecter. Starbuck fills the Clarice role. But unlike Clarice, she quickly pulls out the big guns. 

All that water-boarding; look at us trying to be relevant again! Are we supposed to believe the Cylons are Muslims in this little analogy? I'm not sure it works. We are clearly told that the Cylons were created by man. I don't recall America creating Muslim extremist terrorists. 

We get a deeper discussion of "the gods" in this episode. We know for some reason the Cylons are monotheistic. Why? Meanwhile, the Colonials are polytheistic. While this was alluded to in "Bastille Day", here it is explicit that they worship the Greek deities. I wonder why they went with this. In the original, Kobol was more Egyptian, though the whole thing was sort of an amalgam of ideas. I find it easier to view them as Lords of Kobol than as the Greek gods. As the season goes on, the grecian thing follows through too; I wonder about the Egyptian element (which survives in the game of pyramid, and in some of the Galactica pyramidic interior corridors). It's interesting that Kara is a woman of faith. It's not often television gives us a tough girl (which I might argue Kara actually isn't, but let's go with it) who has a spiritual side. ...No wait, I take that back. I realize even as I type it that her name was Kira Nerys and she was on Deep Space Nine. Anyway, I'll still give props for it. Don't know if I like explicit idolatry involved though. Also it should be pointed out that greek gods in science-fiction is nothing original. The original Star Trek featured them as aliens in "Who Mourns For Adonais?" and C.S. Lewis gave them a more angelic nature in his space trilogy (especially Perelandra). Way to be original, Ron baby!

I gotta give Roslin some credit for blowing that guy out the airlock. Though, it does seem odd to reprimand Starbuck for her torture methods, then she blows him out an airlock!

Did anyone really suspect Adama as a Cylon? Come on.

May I ask how the Cylons have such prophetic knowledge? And how does that knowledge extend to the Six that is in Baltar's head? This only makes sense if she is NOT a figment of his imagination. So what is she?

Now that Baltar knows Boomer is a Cylon, how long will it be before he tells someone? Not that he should tell her right away, that might be a bad idea. But shouldn't he tell Adama right away?

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