Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Baltar's Escape

Again I ask, where are the Cylons?? Baltar's been in custody for how long, and nobody has come after him? Humanity's problem didn't start with Baltar, and it won't end just because he's in custody!

Who would have thought the nomen would recur?

I'm glad to at least see some Cylons, even if they were taken apart. At least we now know what became of the ones who escorted Baltar to the Galactica. I was really expecting Apollo and Starbuck to just remove the electronic guts from them and wear the outer armor like Stormtrooper suits. Instead, they are apparently reprogrammed. Glad to see them again anyway.

This one really plays on the psychology of Baltar. He's a guy who thinks he's this great mastermind, but in the end he is always shy of being the guy he thinks he is. His plans rarely work, but he always seems desperate to prove he is right. He is superior only in his head.

The episode is called "Baltar's Escape", and then at the end, Baltar doesn't escape! He is foiled! Should I call that false advertising?

I wonder what becomes of the nomen and Eastern Alliance men who escape. Do the Alliance meet up with the Cylons? Do they go back to Lunar 7? 

Not a bad story, and pretty good continuity. Still something about it feels like an excuse to get rid of the space Nazis which were left over from the last episode. 

Favorite line: "Your record to date does not exactly inspire confidence."

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