Saturday, July 26, 2014


Synopsis: Dr. Graystone is going on that Patton Oswald talk show to try to undo the damage his wife did. She doesn't want him to, accusing him of dancing on Zoe's grave as it were (hence the title). With the cameras rolling, he's unable to hit the talking points the company wants him to, and Amanda strolls out to object to some of the things being said about Zoe. Together they have a cogent discussion taking the onus off Zoe being a terrorist and suggesting that the V Clubs are harming society. Graystone admits that he knows Zoe didn't like them because he talked to an avatar of her after she died. He claims to have made the avatar himself. The Graystones announce the company will no longer profit from the holobands, and they will set up a foundation for the victims. Sister Clarice has been watching it all, very interested in the tidbit about the avatar. Meanwhile, Sam Adama is out to make good on last week's cliffhanger and kill Amanda to bring "balance". Throughout the episode he's foiled by other people being in the room. In the end, Joseph Adama can't go through with it and Sam just scares her. Oh, and that nerdy scientist kid is running some tests on the Zoe robot, and Zoe seems to be into him. The governement agents are no closer to uncovering anything about the Soldiers of the One, and this is making them very frustrated.

I enjoyed this episode more than the previous one, mostly for the drama and discussion on the TV show. I thought there were some cogent points made and it was nice to shift away from "Zoe is a terrorist!" What I don't understand is why Amanda now is backtracking on that statement. She now acts like she doesn't think Zoe's a terrorist. So what changed her mind? Maybe she should have thought of that before announcing it to the world.

Is Zoe developing a thing for robo-scientist? She does realize he thinks she's a robot, right? And does this kid have some creepy attachment to this robot that I should be unsettled by?

I'm very curious why the GDD (that is their name, right?) are pursuing the investigation so desperately. Raiding the school and the Graystones' home (but not the lab where the Zoe-bot is, ha ha) means they are grasping for any new leads. As Amanda asks, why do they care sooo much?

There was some passing suggestion that the STO kids were the product of some crazy Geminons coercing them into their cult. This still makes no sense to me. The Geminons are the keepers of the religion of the Twelve Colonies. They are the leading polytheists. I just don't see why THEY would be a haven for a cult of monotheists. Just because that's where "religion" comes from in this world? It really seems poorly thought out to me, and in opposition to what we saw on BSG.

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